Thursday, November 3, 2011

I don't want to live on this Planet anymore...

I spent my subway ride reading the paper, and catching up on other news articles from the NY-Times, Huffington Post, and the BBC. My current feeling? I don’t want to live on this planet anymore…

Ok that may be a little melodramatic, but honestly things are getting ridiculous.

First off, it’s republican stumping season. It seems like they’re all competing to see who can be the most polarizing, hateful, and extreme candidate possible.

Mit Rommney - Mormon? Who gives a shit. Frankly I think he’s an ok guy, except for the fact that he can never have the same opinion twice.  I’m serious. String a bunch of news clips together. He was both for, and against the Occupy Wall Street movement in the space of a few days. ABC News tallied FIVE different opinions on Libya from him. It’s like he’s trying to please everyone at once.

Rick Perry – Look at the state of Texas and tell me if you really want him running the country. He’s stiff and awkward. His inability to debate makes me think he’ll cave under pressure. Most of what he says reminds me of Bush.

Michell Bachman – Do I really have to go into detail? She is a bitter, hate-filled woman. She thinks God talks to her. She wants to undo everything LGBT rights groups have worked for. She scares me. I’m serious. I fear for my future if she becomes the President.

Herman Cain - This man is a fraud. He’s not in it for real. He couldn’t be. He’s getting paid for appearances, he has no staff in Iowa or New Hampshire (leadoff primary states), and he sells his book wherever he goes. He wants fame and attention. Just look at his public statements! Can he actually explain his 999 economic plan? NO. Find me a clip where he has. Go ahead; I’ll wait… No? Ok moving on. He said he wants to put up a huge/lethal electric fence on the border. But then he says he was joking…but then he wasn’t. “I’m not backing away from that [electric fence idea]”.  Also his views on abortion are hard to decipher. I’m going to sketch out a dialogue that he had with a reporter.

Reporter: “And your views on Abortion?”
Cain: “I am against abortion. It should be illegal”
Reporter: “What if the woman is raped?”
Cain: “Then that’s her choice”
Reporter: “So abortion should be legal in that case?”
Cain: “Abortion should be illegal, that’s what I said”
Reporter: “But you just said it should be her choice, I’m afraid I don’t…”
Cain: “I said abortion should be illegal. Have I made myself clear?!”

No Herman…you haven't

Rick Santorum – Closeted self hating gay. That’s the only thing that could explain his overt gay hating agenda. I’m just waiting for him to get “nailed” in a Minnesota airport stall.

Ron Paul – I like him. I really do like him. If he beat Obama I wouldn’t feel too bad. My favorite plan of his is that we shouldn’t be anywhere. We need to pull everything back in and fix our shit at home. America needs some ME time to get back on track. The only problem is that he’s not crazy enough, religious enough, or hateful enough to get attention or backing.

Moving onto congress. They’re making me want to rip my hair out. Republicans are basically say no to everything Obama is asking for. No compromises, just “no.” And it’s not because they don’t like the ideas, they just want to do everything they can to sabotage the end of Obama's term.

Congress also reduced the EPA’s ability to fine concrete plants for polluting because it was “Hurting Jobs”. Well thank God we have those jobs so we can afford our cancer treatment.

Occupy Wall Street. I’m for the movement, but against their general lack of clear direction. Also, it’s about time they came up with a spokesman the world can take seriously. And how about some demands so we know what you want? If you’re stuck I have a suggestion:  A few years back trillions of dollars were sucked out of the economy when the banks destroyed the housing market and nearly caused the biggest economic cluster-fuck known to man. Someone needs to be held accountable for this. Regulations should be placed to prevent it from happening again.  A small percentage will always control most of the money, get over it. This isn’t a hippy commune where everyone has an equal share. It’s capitalism. However the wealthy should shoulder more economic responsibility because THEY CAN AFFORD TO. I'm sure if the wealthy ever became poor they'd want things to be different too.

Hmmm what else…

Justin Bieber is being slapped with a paternity suit. I’m not convinced. With all those anti-puberty drugs Usher makes him take? I doubt he’s firing live rounds.

Kim Kardashian – I hope she goes away forever. (I have no idea how to spell her name. Don't really care either)

This is what’s wrong with American media, and those who watch it. The news glosses over real stories, while spending hours on the royal wedding, and that stupid twat Kardashian. We need to stop watching people like the Kardashians until they realize they live a vapid, empty existence and fade away. 

SO much rage right now.


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